International Workshop on Solid-State Qubits

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Revision as of 06:46, 30 April 2019 by Donghun (talk | contribs)
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The field of quantum computation and information has grown rapidly through intensive theoretical and experimental studies. Recent developments lead by industrial institutes including Google, IBM and Microsoft are attracting even more public interests, especially, in quantum computation schemes based on solid-state circuits and devices. The workshop aims to review the recent developments of solid-state qubits and promote further theoretical and technical advances in the field.

The topics include

  • Qubits based on superconducting circuits
  • Qubits based on semiconductor quantum dots
  • Qubits based on quantum defects in solids
  • And other novel qubits based on nano-scale devices

Invited Speakers


  • Choi, Mahn-Soo (Chairman, Korea Univ.)
  • Chong, Yonuk (KRISS)
  • Kim, Jehyung (UNIST)
  • Lee, Donghun (Secretary, Korea Univ.)
  • Lee, Sangyun (KIST)
  • Seo, Hosung (Ajou Univ.)


The abstract booklet is now available for download:

<conference mode="table" start="2019-04-22T09:00+09:00" end ="2019-04-24T20:00+09:00">This text is not supposed to appear.</conference>

The final two sessions (marked in light blue) are organized jointly with the Korean Physical Society as a part of its Pioneer Symposia program.


If you have any question, please contact


The Solid-State Qubits Lab, a Basic Research Laboratory of the National Research Foundation, is proud to support the Workshop.

The part of the Workshop is organized as a Pioneer Symposium jointly with the Korean Physical Society.

We also acknowledge the support from the Basic Science Research Institute at Korea University.