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18 April 2019
- 00:5900:59, 18 April 2019 Aharonov-Bohm oscillation in nanomechanical measurements of topological insulator nanowire (hist | edit) [1,088 bytes] Namanse23 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* Speaker: Suh, Junho (KRISS) In topological insulator nanowires, gapless surface states exhibit Aharonov–Bohm (AB) oscillations in conductance with this quantum interfere...")
- 00:5800:58, 18 April 2019 Scalable defect-based solid-state quantum devices (hist | edit) [2,028 bytes] Namanse23 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* Speaker: Lee, Sangyun (KIST) Here we introduce our recent work on the all-microwave scheme for the controlled-NOT (cNOT) gate between two superconducting transmon qubits....")
- 00:5400:54, 18 April 2019 Coherent State Qudits for Quantum Information Processing (hist | edit) [672 bytes] Namanse23 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* Speaker: Kim, Jaewan (KIST) A coherent state could be interpreted as an evenly weighted superposition of pseudo-number states which are the partial sums of a coherent stat...")
- 00:4200:42, 18 April 2019 Electron and nuclear spin control in semiconductors: progress towards robust environment Hamiltonian engineering (hist | edit) [1,439 bytes] Namanse23 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* Speaker: Kim Dohun (Seoul National University) The electron and nuclear spin degrees of freedom in solids form natural bases for constructing quantum two level systems, or...")
- 00:3000:30, 18 April 2019 Superconducting qubit entanglement with all microwave control (hist | edit) [473 bytes] Mahnsoo.choi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* Speaker: Chong, Yonuk (KRISS) Here we introduce our recent work on the all-microwave scheme for the controlled-NOT (cNOT) gate between two superconducting transmon qubits....")
- 00:2600:26, 18 April 2019 Control and measurement of magnetic fluxoid quanta for small force standard (hist | edit) [1,152 bytes] Mahnsoo.choi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* Speaker: Choi, Jae-Hyuk (Division of Physical Metrology, Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science, Korea) In absence of force standard established in the range be...")
- 00:1800:18, 18 April 2019 Lunch (hist | edit) [45 bytes] Mahnsoo.choi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "There is no particular announcement about it.")
15 April 2019
- 00:1200:12, 15 April 2019 IBM Q Experience: Cloud-based superconducting quantum computer for the NISQ-era (hist | edit) [569 bytes] Hseo2017 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "*Speaker: Paik, Hanhee (Thomas J. Watson Research Center, hanhee.paik (at) Since its launch in 2016, the IBM Q Experience, a cloud-based superconducting quantum p...")
9 April 2019
- 09:3909:39, 9 April 2019 Superconducting Circuit QED System Interacting with Quantum Spins (hist | edit) [1,654 bytes] Mahnsoo.choi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Superconducting circuit QED systems provides a wide range of scientific platforms from quantum computer to accurate quantum sensing of elementary charge or spin. In this talk,...")
26 March 2019
- 10:3210:32, 26 March 2019 Diamond quantum networks for distributed quantum computation (hist | edit) [1,339 bytes] Hseo2017 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "*Speaker: Taminiau, Tim *Affiliation: QuTech & Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology Quantum networks provide a promising way to realize quantum com...")
- 10:3010:30, 26 March 2019 Quantum resistor-capacitor circuit with Majorana fermion modes in a chiral topological superconductor (hist | edit) [879 bytes] Hseo2017 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "*Speaker: Lee, Minchul (Kyunghee Univ., Korea) We investigate the mesoscopic resistor-capacitor circuit consisting of a quantum dot coupled to spatially separated Majorana f...")
18 March 2019
- 07:2907:29, 18 March 2019 Qubits2019/Travel Guide (hist | edit) [3,243 bytes] Hseo2017 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "test")
13 March 2019
- 02:3402:34, 13 March 2019 Manage Tutorial List (hist | edit) [64 bytes] Mahnsoo.choi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<smurf file="Qubits/Tutorial/Delete" /> Category:Qubits2019")
- 02:2002:20, 13 March 2019 Manage Workshop Registration List (hist | edit) [39 bytes] Mahnsoo.choi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<smurf file="Qubits/Workshop/Delete" />")
- 02:0502:05, 13 March 2019 Conference Settings (hist | edit) [32 bytes] Mahnsoo.choi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<smurf file="Qubits/Settings" />")
12 March 2019
- 14:1314:13, 12 March 2019 Shot noise measurements with an impedance matching circuit at GHz frequencies (hist | edit) [900 bytes] Hseo2017 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* Speaker: Jung, Minkyung (DGIST, Korea) In this work, we present carbon nanotube (CNT) single and double quantum dots coupled to a GHz superconducting impedance matching ci...")
- 13:5513:55, 12 March 2019 Circuit QED system using Triple-Leg Stripline Resonator (hist | edit) [1,943 bytes] Hseo2017 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* Speaker: Moon, Kyungsun (Dept. of Physics and IPAP, Yonsei University, Seoul 03722, Korea) In circuit QED system, strong coupling between superconducting qubit and intra-c...")
- 13:4913:49, 12 March 2019 Fractional Josephson Effect in Topological Insulator Nanoribbons (hist | edit) [1,613 bytes] Hseo2017 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* Speaker: Doh, Yong-Joo (Department of Physics and Photon Science, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea) * Co-authors: Kim, Hong-Seok (GIST), Kim, Nam-Hee (GIST...")
- 13:4413:44, 12 March 2019 Integration of solid-state quantum emitters with dissimilar platforms (hist | edit) [1,541 bytes] Hseo2017 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* Speaker: Kim, Je-Hyung (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Ulsan, Republic of Korea) Scalable photonic quantum information processors require methods to i...")
- 13:4013:40, 12 March 2019 Conductance Quantization and Magnetic Control of Topological Insulators (hist | edit) [886 bytes] Hseo2017 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* Speaker: kim, Jae Hoon (Department of Physics, Yonsei University, Korea) Topological insulators as well as related topological materials are likely to provide us with an id...")
5 March 2019
- 09:4309:43, 5 March 2019 First-principles theory of spin defects in 2D crystals for quantum applications (hist | edit) [2,103 bytes] Hseo2017 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "*Speaker: Seo, Hosung (Ajou Univ., Korea) Deep-level spin defects in wide-gap semiconductors are promising platforms for applications in quantum information processing, quan...")
1 March 2019
- 05:4105:41, 1 March 2019 Quantum control of a single-spin quantum emitter in diamond via coupling with a mechanical oscillator (hist | edit) [1,463 bytes] Donghun (talk | contribs) (Created page with " *Speaker: Lee, Donghun (Korea Univ., Korea) There has been rapidly growing interest in hybrid quantum devices involving a solid-state spin and a macroscopic mechanical osci...")
27 February 2019
- 09:4309:43, 27 February 2019 Nanoscale magnetic resonance detection towards nano MRI (hist | edit) [1,318 bytes] Hseo2017 (talk | contribs) (Created page with " *Speaker: Kim, Chulki (Sensor System Research Center, Korea Institute of Science Technology, Republic of Korea) *Co-authors: Mark Sherwood, John Mamin, Dan Rugar (IBM Almaden...")
26 February 2019
- 09:0009:00, 26 February 2019 Discrete time-crystalline order in black diamond: realization and probe of quantum many-body dynamics (hist | edit) [1,688 bytes] Hseo2017 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* Speaker: Soonwon Choi (UC Berkeley, USA) Strongly interacting solid-state spin ensembles provide a promising platform to explore quantum many-body physics. In particular,...")
25 February 2019
- 12:1912:19, 25 February 2019 Quantum measurement of itinerant microwave photons using superconducting circuits (hist | edit) [1,799 bytes] Hseo2017 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Itinerant microwave photons are indispensable for realizing a quantum network between localized superconducting qubits. However, it remains challenging to measure itinerant mi...")
- 12:1812:18, 25 February 2019 New understanding and engineering of defect qubits in diamond (hist | edit) [1,901 bytes] Hseo2017 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Defects in diamond and other wide bandgap semiconductors with electronic spins that may be optically initialised and readout are promising qubit systems for a great diversity...")
- 11:5811:58, 25 February 2019 Analogue simulations and digital processing with spins in quantum dots (hist | edit) [1,501 bytes] Hseo2017 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Electrostatically defined quantum dots in semiconductors are one of the leading platforms for the development of quantum technologies, owing to their fast and efficient contro...")
- 11:5611:56, 25 February 2019 Nanophotonics with Hexagonal Boron Nitride (hist | edit) [1,292 bytes] Hseo2017 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Engineering solid state quantum systems is amongst grand challenges in realizing integrated quantum photonic circuitry. While several 3D systems (such as diamond, silicon carb...")
- 11:5511:55, 25 February 2019 Using Optical Pulses for Quantum Control and Sensing (hist | edit) [1,072 bytes] Hseo2017 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond represent a forefront platform for secure quantum networks and high-precision sensing. In this talk, I will discuss novel techniques u...")
- 11:5311:53, 25 February 2019 Quantum Nanoscience:Atoms on Surfaces (hist | edit) [1,622 bytes] Hseo2017 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The scanning tunneling microscope is an amazing tool because of its atomic-scale spatial resolution. This can be combined with the use of low temperatures, culminating in prec...")
24 February 2019
- 03:0303:03, 24 February 2019 Research Topics (hist | edit) [1,215 bytes] Mahnsoo.choi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The central aim of The Solid-State Qubits Lab is to develop a quantum network based on a few entangled qubits. To achieve this goal, we have divided our efforts into three mai...")
22 February 2019
- 11:5811:58, 22 February 2019 Qubits2019/Reception (hist | edit) [169 bytes] Mahnsoo.choi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "All invited speakers, advisory committee members, and organizers are invited to the reception dinner. The precise place will be informed later. Category:Qubits2019")
- 11:5111:51, 22 February 2019 Qubits2019/Registration (Tutorial) (hist | edit) [549 bytes] Mahnsoo.choi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The preparation of a tutorial session obviously requires to know the precise number of participants. We therefore ask you to register yourself separately for the Tutorial Sess...")
- 11:3811:38, 22 February 2019 Towards Measurement Induced Quantum State Engineering (hist | edit) [1,198 bytes] Mahnsoo.choi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* Speaker: Yang, Sen (Chinese U of Hong Kong, China) Quantum theory predicts that a quantum system will collapse from superposition of several possible states, to just one,...")
21 February 2019
- 17:2517:25, 21 February 2019 Qubits2019/Registration (Workshop) (hist | edit) [211 bytes] Mahnsoo.choi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Category:Qubits-2019") originally created as "Qubits 2019 Registration"
- 07:0007:00, 21 February 2019 Realizing a Catch-Disperse-Release Read-Out of a Qubit (hist | edit) [1,375 bytes] Mahnsoo.choi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* Speaker: Peronnin, Théau (ENS de Lyon, France) Fast read-out is an essential piece of measurement based error correction codes and is often limited by its reset time but t...")
- 06:4406:44, 21 February 2019 Banquet (hist | edit) [73 bytes] Mahnsoo.choi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The venue of the banquet will be announced later. Category:Qubits-2019")
- 06:2706:27, 21 February 2019 Hands-On Tutorial on IBM Qiskit (hist | edit) [2,337 bytes] Mahnsoo.choi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Category:Qubits-2019") originally created as "Tutorial Session"